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Metabolic Protein™ Vanilla and Coco-10 Plus™
Metabolic Protein™ Vanilla and Coco-10 Plus™
Metabolic Protein™ Vanilla and Coco-10 Plus™

Metabolic Protein™ Vanilla and Coco-10 Plus®

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METABOLIC PROTEIN™ is a special whey protein shake. It contains only 5 grams of carbohydrates per serving. It is used to improve metabolism and reduce hunger. It comes fortified with vitamins and minerals so it is a complete "meal replacement". METABOLIC PROTEIN™ contains special enzymes that increase protein absorption for maximum utilization by the body's cells. It also contains the amino acid L-Glutamine which has the effect of reducing cravings for sweets or carbohydrates*.


10 oz glass serving

In a shaker or large glass, add:

  • 8 ounces of water and two ice cubes (optional).
  • 2 scoops of Metabolic Protein™ of your favorite flavor
  • 1 scoop of Granulated Lecithin for the first month of use (after the first month increase to 2 scoops daily).
  • To increase your metabolism, it is recommended that you add Coco-10 Plus Organic Coconut Oil to this recipe, from 1⁄2 tablespoon to a maximum of 4 tablespoons per serving, increasing the dosage 1⁄2 tablespoon per week. If your nervous system is excited, increase to a maximum of 1 scoop.

For more recipes with your Metabolic Protein™ shake we recommend purchasing The Power of Metabolism Recipe book.

COCO-10 PLUS®is a blend of organic coconut oil with the Japanese supplement CoQ10, which improves your metabolism by supporting thyroid gland function and helping to detoxify the body. CoQ10 allows more oxygen to enter the body's cells, increasing energy production and the speed of your metabolism*. It is unflavored and blends into the shake.


Start with 1/2 scoop and go up 1/2 scoop per week, up to a maximum of 4 scoops. People with an excited nervous system should consume up to a maximum of 1 scoop.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose or cure any health condition or disease.

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews

I really love it this it's the best protein 😋


I only buy my products from Frank Suarez store. Quality products💯 on time delivery 👏🏼


Excelentes productos, el sabor de la proteína es muy buena.


El aceite de coco me da energia de la buena gracias al Coq10 que ayuda a proveer oxigeno a cada una de la celulas de mi cuerpo. Sigo la instrucion de 1/2 y gradualmente subi a 1 cucharada solamente porque soy de sistema excitado. Yo le añado la cucharada del aceite de coco a mi batida mañanera de Metabolic Protein sabor vainilla🌟 Una batida completa llena de vitaminas y minerales incluso enzimas digestivas que ayudan la absorbcion de los nutrientes a las celulas.Tiene un sabor a vainilla sabroso y la textura es super libiana y cremosa.
Tengo 3 años comprando de desde que los descubri y son productos de alta calidad y seguire siendo clienta por siempre. Gracias a todo el equipo de a la bella familia y a Frank Suarez un gran ser humano admirable, noble, dedicado, humilde y integro atravez de sus descubrimientos del metabolismo a cambiado el mundo por siempre🌏🌎🌍🫂🌟🙏🏽🇵🇷
•Yo recomiendo este producto 100%
•I recommend this product 100%


Great products … love the protein and coconut oil with no flavor and COq-10