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Deep Intestinal Cleanse Kit
Deep Intestinal Cleanse Kit
Deep Intestinal Cleanse Kit
Deep Intestinal Cleanse Kit
Deep Intestinal Cleanse Kit
Deep Intestinal Cleanse Kit

Deep Intestinal Cleanse Kit

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Includes supplements for Deep Intestinal Cleanse and their instructions:

- (3) Good Flora®
- (2) Helpzymes®
- (1) Glucotein®
- 1 Metabolism Ultra Power Book

Good Flora® is a high-potency supplement in its content of probiotic organisms (good intestinal bacteria). It is important to maintain a healthy intestinal flora as it contributes to better digestion and absorption of food*. The bottle of Good Flora® contains 60 capsules, each with 15 billion live probiotic organisms.

The health of intestinal flora is vital for maintaining metabolism and overall body health. When natural intestinal flora is reduced, pathogenic organisms (disease-causing) take advantage. Intestinal flora consists of good bacteria that protect the body. Probiotic organisms can greatly improve intestinal function, its natural movement, and the body's energy and health.

Supplementing the body with the probiotic organisms in Good Flora® can be very beneficial. The Good Flora® supplement combines 7 types of select probiotics that help restore normal intestinal function while cleaning the intestinal walls and combating fungi and putrefying bacteria (which cause bad odor and inflammatory substances). Each capsule of Good Flora® contains 15 billion good bacteria that help restore the internal environment.

FOR A DEEP INTESTINAL CLEANSE (LIP PROGRAM): The proportion is 2 capsules of Good Flora® combined with 2 capsules of Helpzymes® three times a day with meals. Helpzymes® enzymes work to soften and dislodge the crust that accumulates over the years on the intestinal wall, while Good Flora® good bacteria clean the intestinal walls and improve absorption, helping to detoxify the intestine. Continue the LIP program until you experience an efficient emptying sensation and a complete cleanse. From then on, continue using 2 daily capsules of Good Flora® for maintenance. Favorable changes in cellulite or "orange peel" skin in women may be noticeable.

To improve metabolism and control any overweight condition, we rely on our body's ability to convert the foods we consume (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) into absorbable substances. Digestive enzymes, like Helpzymes®, enable the body to efficiently absorb the nutrients in the foods we eat. It is said that "what nourishes us is not what we eat but what we absorb during the digestive process."

Enzymes are natural substances that our body produces to digest food and convert it into energy for our metabolism. The foods we consume in our diet are the body's fuel, just like gasoline is the fuel for a car engine. There are three main types of food: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Each type requires a specific digestive enzyme for proper digestion. For example, to digest proteins, digestive enzymes called proteases are needed, for fats, lipases are required, and for carbohydrates, amylases are used.

This formulation provides a blend of potent digestive enzymes that help the body efficiently absorb the nutrients in the foods we consume and improve metabolism. It includes pancreatin (to help break down fats), a dose of hydrochloric acid identical to what the stomach produces (to help digest proteins properly), among others. This supplement will help improve digestion, preventing issues such as stomach gas, acidity, and drowsiness after eating.

Even if you choose the right foods for your diet, if you suffer from poor digestion, stomach gas, acidity, or reflux, the foods you consume will not help improve your metabolism. Nutrients, vitamins, or minerals that are not properly digested cannot be utilized. This is precisely the help that Helpzymes® enzymes provide by ensuring good digestion and absorption. When your body is not digesting food well, the vitamins and minerals you consume are wasted, and you won't feel the energy your metabolism needs to lose weight. In fact, when there is poor digestion due to a lack of digestive enzymes, people often feel tired or sleepy instead of energized after eating.

Helpzymes® enzymes are especially beneficial for people with a "slow metabolism." The Helpzymes® formulation includes a blend of potent digestive enzymes like pancreatin, which helps break down body fats (lose weight). Additionally, Helpzymes® enzymes contain a dose of hydrochloric acid identical to what the stomach produces to help digest proteins properly. It is known that with age and conditions such as hypothyroidism or diabetes, the body loses its ability to produce hydrochloric acid, which gradually reduces digestive ability and metabolism. When you use Helpzymes® enzymes with your meals, you will notice a reduction or elimination of digestive problems like stomach gas, acidity, reflux, or lack of energy due to poor absorption.

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: 2 capsules of Helpzymes® with each meal.

Helpzymes® enzymes allow efficient digestion, ensuring you will also have a good metabolism and an increase in your energy and health levels.


Glucotein® is a blend of "resistant starch" flour from green bananas and green peas, which benefits metabolism and digestive processes*.

Research on metabolism shows that the resistant starch in Glucotein® feeds the good bacteria in the large intestine, increasing the production of butyric acid produced by these good bacteria. This, in turn, can help with fat loss and increase energy.

This blend is used to make recipes for bread, cookies, breading, and thickening sauces, and has the following characteristics:

- Low glycemic index.
- Gluten, rice, and corn-free.
- Creates delicious recipes.
- Acts as a prebiotic.
- Free of genetically modified components.

Usage Recommendations:

Research on metabolism shows that the type of "resistant starch" in Glucotein® feeds the good bacteria in the large intestine, increasing the production of "butyric acid" produced by these good bacteria. This, in turn, accelerates fat loss, increases energy, reduces inflammation, and even improves sleep quality as it has a calming effect. The recommended dose is one TABLESPOON once a day, mixed into the Metabolic Protein shake.

If you also supplement your body with good bacteria like Good Flora, the results are even better.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose or cure any health condition or disease.