CONSTIPENDTM- take 4 capsules spread throughout the day to see if that dose is accomplished by a bowel movement the same or the next day. If it is not achieved a bowel movement, the next day up the dose to one additional capsule (4 1= 5 capsules) and so on for every day that passes without achieving to go to the bathroom. If, on the contrary, it is achieved by a movement too soft (diarrhea) with the 4 capsules initial, it reduces the dose one capsule each new day (4-1= 3 capsules) to achieve a bowel movement daily, which is neither very hard nor very blando.
MAGICMAG@ - The MAGICMAG@ is a tea with delicious taste of natural strawberry and lemon, which can be drunk hot or cold, in the morning and in the evening. The daily dose is increasing gradually, from1 teaspoon to the dose tolerance of your body. When the dose is excessive for the body, the manifestation is diarrhea, which resolved by reducing the dose diaria.
GOOD FLORATM-This is a supplement of good bacteria or probiotics that has a amount of 15 billion good bacteria per capsule. The dose is 1 capsule with each meal. To activate the second brain, and do a bowel cleansing deep is consume 2 capsules with each comida.
HELPZYMESTM -This formulation provides a mixture of digestive enzymes including pancreatin, a dose of hydrochloric acid, among others. Take 2 capsules with each comida.
KADSORBTM- it Is suggested that you take 2 capsules of KADSORBTMfor every 25 pounds of body weight. For example: if you weigh 150 pounds, the calculation would be: 150 pounds/25 = 6. Then 6 x 2 = 12 capsules a day. You can divide the 12 capsules between the three meals. In this example, you must take 4 capsules with each meal día.
LIBRO METABOLISM ULTRA POWERFUL -account with the latest findings of the specialist Frank Suarez Suarez to improve the metabolismo.
*These products are not intended to cure or diagnose any health condition or enfermedad.