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BOOK The Power of Metabolism - SPANISH
BOOK The Power of Metabolism - SPANISH
BOOK The Power of Metabolism - SPANISH

BOOK The Power of Metabolism - SPANISH

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BOOK The Power of Metabolism - SPANISH


In a world full of controversies about obesity, The Power of Metabolism outlines the techniques and factors that help restore metabolism, based on EXPERIENCE AND OBSERVATIONS of what has worked for over 55,000 people. The techniques for natural weight loss are described in this Puerto Rican bestseller. Topics include a sustainable diet, why fats are not to blame for obesity, the difference between losing weight and slimming down, foods that are energy sources for metabolism, the candida albicans fungus, and more. The book defines the causes and solutions to the problem of slow metabolism, which keeps some people on a "lifetime diet" while others remain "thin" no matter what they eat. It concludes that losing weight is not just about what you eat. The author, a specialist in obesity and metabolism, has also included special recommendations for people with diabetes or hypothyroidism.


Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

Va a cambiar bastante mi vida .
Besos hasta el cielo doctor frank


Muy bueno. Personalmente no lo compré para rebajar sinó para orientarme de como comer mejor y vivir saludable




Pq está muy interesante, abarca muchos temas y habla en un lenguaje que se puede entender por todos.